Friday 1 September 2023

The TIME Zone Of The News Reports


There are people who are trying to argue that the time displayed on the screen of the news reports of the screen shot, is not the real time of reporting. I searched for explanations and inquired with ChatGPT, and here are the explanations by ChatGPT.

ChatGPT on time zone of News Reports 

🌸1 Me :

Which countries are in the morning while the time in Japan is around 2:00 pm 



Japan Standard Time (JST) is typically 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+9). So, if it's around 2:00 PM in Japan, it would be approximately 5:00 AM UTC.

Countries that would be in the morning while Japan is around 2:00 PM JST include parts of the following regions:

1. **North and Central Asia:** Countries like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and parts of Russia (Siberia) would be in the morning hours.

2. **Middle East:** Parts of the Middle East, including Iran, would also be in the morning.

3. **Eastern Europe:** Some parts of Eastern Europe, such as Georgia and Armenia, would be in the morning.

Please note that these are approximate times, and the exact local time can vary within these regions due to time zone differences and daylight saving time (if applicable).







🌸2 Me:

How about California 


✳️ChatGPT 2

California is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), which is typically 16 hours behind Japan Standard Time (JST). So, when it's around 2:00 PM in Japan (JST), it would be approximately 10:00 PM on the previous day in California (PT).

Please keep in mind that this time difference can vary slightly due to daylight saving time adjustments in California. During daylight saving time (which typically starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November), California would be 15 hours behind JST.



🌸3 Me:

Meaning what time is it in Japan if it is 6:00 a.m. in California ?



If it is 6:00 AM in California (Pacific Time, PT), then in Japan (Japan Standard Time, JST), it would be approximately 10:00 PM on the same day. Japan is typically 16 hours ahead of California, but please note that this time difference can vary slightly due to daylight saving time adjustments in California, as mentioned earlier.


🌸4 Me:

The dates and time we can see on the screen when watching news report is what date and time ?



The dates and times you see on the screen when watching a news report on television or online are typically displayed in the local time zone of the news station or network that is broadcasting the report. This local time is relevant to the location of the news studio or the region where the news is being reported from.

For example, if you're watching a news report from a studio in New York City, the displayed date and time will be in Eastern Time (ET) if it's a U.S. news report. If you're watching international news, the displayed date and time will correspond to the time zone where the news organization is based or where the report is originating.

It's important to pay attention to these time zone indicators to understand when the events reported actually occurred in their respective locations.




🌸5 Me:

So, you mean it represents the time of where the news reporting is originating?


✳️ChatGPT 5

Yes, that's correct. The date and time displayed on the screen during a news report typically represent the local time of the news reporting location or the region from which the report is originating. This is done to provide viewers with a reference for when the events being reported on took place in that specific area. It's important for viewers to be aware of the local time zone indicated on the screen to understand the timing of the reported events accurately.


🌸6 Me:

Meaning it is not the viewers time zone?



That's correct. The date and time displayed on the screen during a news report do not typically represent the viewer's local time zone. Instead, they represent the local time of the news reporting location or the region where the report is originating. This is done to provide a reference for when the events being reported occurred in that specific area. Viewers need to consider the displayed time zone to understand the timing of the reported events accurately in relation to their own local time.




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