Thursday, 11 July 2024

Conspiracy Theorist?!

Counting down the days to the fourth anniversary of that unforgettable day in July 2020 in the history of Japan's entertainment industry.

"Miura Haruma, found hanging in his closet" was the early morning news reported by Yahoo, followed by NHK News on the morning of July 18, 2020.

Like a time bomb, it shattered the hearts of many. It was an unprecedented blow to all who knew, adored, and respected Haruma.

Yet, what is most painful is that Haruma was simply accused of ending his own life.

As we searched for information about what truly happened, seeking answers to the biggest "WHY," suspicious details surfaced one after another. Too many questions arose—questions that Amuse needs to answer.

Nearly four years have passed since that dreaded day, and Amuse still refuses to explain the chronological sequence of events and the manager’s promised time to pick up Haruma. Though these questions are not all there is, many more questions are piling up that need explanations. For instance, the early morning breaking news of Haruma’s death on July 18, 2020, is inconsistent with Amuse’s official declaration of his time of death at 2:10 pm on the same day.

Now, let Amuse explain the inconsistencies and call Haruma’s fans seeking the truth conspiracy theorists if they must.

Fujikura, the freelance writer who once took photos and videos of the flyers distribution demonstration for Haruma, and caused trouble, has been making efforts to write articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. He is at it again, through Yahoo News, and now Shukann Shincho(?)

As I wrote on X, “I could only smell something fishy!”

Yahoo News, through Fujikura and Shukann Shincho, released articles accusing Haruma’s fans seeking the truth and raising suspicions about Haruma’s death as conspiracy theorists. Yet, they never released an article celebrating Haruma’s achievements. Recently, on July 7 this year, Haruma’s phenomenal last starring movie project “Tengaramon” was shown again in theaters across Japan, marking its fourth-year Tanabata showing. This is unprecedented in Japan’s entertainment industry. Why didn’t they write an article about this?

The most likely reason is that they are not paid to write such articles.

Fujikura and Shukann Shincho never write about the obvious inconsistencies around Haruma’s death, such as the early breaking news from Yahoo and NHK. But they release articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. Is it because they are paid to do this? Or to put it more clearly, is it because Amuse might pay a huge amount for this?

Speculation? Yes. We can only speculate, but that seems like the most plausible answer.

It is quite convenient to push the accusation that fans seeking explanations from Amuse are conspiracy theorists. It’s clearly in favor of Amuse.










Yahooニュースは、フジクラと週刊新町を通じて、ハルマのファンが真実を求めていると非難し、ハルマの死を陰謀論者として疑う記事を発表した。しかし、彼らは春馬の業績を祝う記事を発表しなかった。最近、今年7月7日、春馬の驚異的な最後の主演映画プロジェクト”天外者” が日本全国の劇場で再び上映され、七夕上映4年目を迎えました。これは日本のエンターテイメント業界では前例のないことです。なぜ彼らはこれについて記事を書かなかったのですか?





©️@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma

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