Friday, 19 July 2024

A Message to Nakanishi Sacho


Hello Nakanishi Sacho,

I hope that you will read this post, and I supposed you are already familiar of this X account, as well as the facebook and YouTube account @⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma.

Nakanishi sacho, I’ve learned that , during this year’s Shareholders General Assembly, with regards the question raised by the demonstrations for Haruma seeking for Haruma’s truth,  questions that requires your due, prompt, transparent and responsible explanations, question regarding :

👉“ the promised time” for the manager to pick up Haruma 👈

… in reply to this you quoted that 

“Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!”

“It’s private, so will not answer” 

Nakanishi sacho, don’t you realize how crucial the issue is? 

It’s about the suspicious death of Haruma!

Meaning… because it is suspicious… all suspicious details… no matter how great or small needs to be investigated! 

Questionable details needs to be answered!

Do you think your statement is wise(?) that it can get you away from the question?

Do you not realize that , your statement just added up to the suspiciousness of the crucial issue?…

Nakanishi Sacho… if there is nothing to hide… it will not be difficult to respond and address the questions transparently and promptly …

It’s now 4 years since that dreadful day… yet you remain not explaining… and just quoting that your statements on September 9, 2020, on the 49th day of Haruma’s death is all that there is; yet you never explained the details on 9/9/2020.

Nakanishi sacho, since September of 2021 we have been raising our voices demanding for your explanations of the many suspicious details surrounding the death of Haruma. Demanding for reinvestigation of the many suspicions, yet until this very day, you remain not addressing to clear this issue.

If you indeed intends to clear your name from any suspicions, if you indeed would like to put an end to the persistent demonstrations for Haruma taking place almost weekly in different locations all over Japan, for 3 years now, plus the non-stop Xdemos for Haruma daily for 24/7, then hold a transparent press conference to clear this crucial issue of Haruma’s unnatural suspicious death. 



Now, regarding Tsukiji Hongwanji, you want us to believe that you buried Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji(?)you think that you can pacify the fans seeking for Haruma’s truth in burying Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji?!…

Haven’t you realize again that, you again added up to the weight of the resentments(?)

First if indeed Haruma’s ashes is in Tsukiji Hongwanji, then why is it that there is nowhere in Tsukiji Hongwanji that we can find a tablet carved with the name “三浦春馬” …

There is not a place where we can visit and bring flowers 💐 for Haruma…

Why not bury Haruma’s ashes in a place where the fans can see Haruma’s name and Haruma’s photo?😭

Why bury Haruma in a grave with NO NAME?!

again for Privacy reasons?!

What kind of reasoning do you have ⁉️

#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬 



私はあなたがこの投稿を読むことを願っています、そして私はあなたがすでにこのXアカウント、そしてFacebookとYouTubeアカウント@⚖️Justice for Miura Harumaに精通していると思います。




「Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!」






















#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Conspiracy Theorist?!

Counting down the days to the fourth anniversary of that unforgettable day in July 2020 in the history of Japan's entertainment industry.

"Miura Haruma, found hanging in his closet" was the early morning news reported by Yahoo, followed by NHK News on the morning of July 18, 2020.

Like a time bomb, it shattered the hearts of many. It was an unprecedented blow to all who knew, adored, and respected Haruma.

Yet, what is most painful is that Haruma was simply accused of ending his own life.

As we searched for information about what truly happened, seeking answers to the biggest "WHY," suspicious details surfaced one after another. Too many questions arose—questions that Amuse needs to answer.

Nearly four years have passed since that dreaded day, and Amuse still refuses to explain the chronological sequence of events and the manager’s promised time to pick up Haruma. Though these questions are not all there is, many more questions are piling up that need explanations. For instance, the early morning breaking news of Haruma’s death on July 18, 2020, is inconsistent with Amuse’s official declaration of his time of death at 2:10 pm on the same day.

Now, let Amuse explain the inconsistencies and call Haruma’s fans seeking the truth conspiracy theorists if they must.

Fujikura, the freelance writer who once took photos and videos of the flyers distribution demonstration for Haruma, and caused trouble, has been making efforts to write articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. He is at it again, through Yahoo News, and now Shukann Shincho(?)

As I wrote on X, “I could only smell something fishy!”

Yahoo News, through Fujikura and Shukann Shincho, released articles accusing Haruma’s fans seeking the truth and raising suspicions about Haruma’s death as conspiracy theorists. Yet, they never released an article celebrating Haruma’s achievements. Recently, on July 7 this year, Haruma’s phenomenal last starring movie project “Tengaramon” was shown again in theaters across Japan, marking its fourth-year Tanabata showing. This is unprecedented in Japan’s entertainment industry. Why didn’t they write an article about this?

The most likely reason is that they are not paid to write such articles.

Fujikura and Shukann Shincho never write about the obvious inconsistencies around Haruma’s death, such as the early breaking news from Yahoo and NHK. But they release articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. Is it because they are paid to do this? Or to put it more clearly, is it because Amuse might pay a huge amount for this?

Speculation? Yes. We can only speculate, but that seems like the most plausible answer.

It is quite convenient to push the accusation that fans seeking explanations from Amuse are conspiracy theorists. It’s clearly in favor of Amuse.










Yahooニュースは、フジクラと週刊新町を通じて、ハルマのファンが真実を求めていると非難し、ハルマの死を陰謀論者として疑う記事を発表した。しかし、彼らは春馬の業績を祝う記事を発表しなかった。最近、今年7月7日、春馬の驚異的な最後の主演映画プロジェクト”天外者” が日本全国の劇場で再び上映され、七夕上映4年目を迎えました。これは日本のエンターテイメント業界では前例のないことです。なぜ彼らはこれについて記事を書かなかったのですか?





©️@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma

Wednesday, 10 July 2024



Four years ago in July 2020, we lost a precious young Japanese actor, Miura Haruma. Haruma was reported to be found unconscious by his manager at his residence in the morning of July 18, 2020, he was later pronounced dead at 2:10 p.m. the same day after being transported to the hospital. Haruma was believed to be working late, the night before the news of his death, at the filming site of the TBS drama "Kanekoi". Haruma's death was declared as a "suicide" by AMUSE, when no concrete reasons were provided to explain why Haruma ended his own life. While there was no suicide note, a false report claiming the existence went out to the world. A correction notice stating that "no suicide note was found" was issued by AMUSE via their website ONLY in September 2020, 49 long days after the death. No subsequent correction of the false report was ever published by the mainstream media! AMUSE did not ask the media to apologize or to publish a correction notice for this BIG mistake. Today, many are not aware the initial report of a suicide note was a LIE. In addition, there are many suspicious points and questions around the death which as of today, remain unanswered.

Haruma's death was shocking and unnatural! It occurred under unusual circumstances! When a death is sudden, unexpected, or suspicious, it is imperative for a diligent investigation be conducted, to determine the cause of death and in bringing justice to cases where foul play, negligence, and any criminal actions were involved. A death investigation involves complex and time-consuming procedures which requires the collaboration among multiple entities, such as law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and forensic specialists. These professionals collect, analyze, and interpret evidence using numerous resources, tools and techniques, to achieve the ultimate objective in determining the cause and manner of death. While a typical investigation takes a month or so to complete, complex cases may take up to 3 months or even longer to conclude. 

The Japanese law enforcement agencies appear totally incompetent in the investigation of Miura Haruma's suspicious death. IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that Haruma's death investigation took only a few hours to complete!!! One can only expect unreliable results coming out of sloppy investigations, with a conclusion that cannot be trusted. Here are just a few questions we've been looking for answers.

Did the police properly collect evidence at Haruma's residence? 

Did the police interview Haruma's manager and other possible witnesses, including actors, directors, and production staff of "Kanekoi"? What happened the night before Haruma's death? 

Did the police investigate workplace power harassment that could have been a factor contributing to Haruma's death?  

What type of examinations did the Japanese law enforcement authorities conduct on Haruma? Was an autopsy examination performed to determine Haruma's cause of death?

Why wasn't a press conference held to announce Haruma's death cause & manner, to provide proper explanations of Haruma's sudden and unnatural death? Why weren't the death investigation results released for publication?

Why wasn't any attention paid to the many questions raised by the demonstrations that have been going on continuously since September 2021? Why wasn't Haruma's case reopened for investigation when so many suspicious points were brought forward?

Did the police look into the "Kanekoi" drama's frightening "futon scene" where Haruma appeared without make-up, traumatized, and in agony?  

Did the police investigate AMUSE? The agency was clearly negligent in managing Haruma's health & safety when he became noticeably skinny and unwell during the filming of "Kanekoi". Why did AMUSE disregard Haruma's well-being and allow him to continue working? The wrongful acts by AMUSE was a major factor leading to Haruma's death! Why did the police not hold AMUSE accountable?

Despite the hard efforts of the ongoing demonstrations demanding a reinvestigation, the police have taken no action at all.  So long as the questions remain unanswered, it is only logical for us to believe that something is hidden behind Miura Haruma's death! Something dark and rotten is being withheld from disclosure to the public! A coverup of the truth! We are urging the Japanese Law Enforcement authorities again, to attend to our plea, to answer our questions, and to reopen the suspicious unnatural death case of Miura Haruma for a diligent and thorough investigation!!! 




©️@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma


Sunday, 7 July 2024

Where Now is Amuse? 7/7🎋2024 4th Year Tanabata 🎋Tengaramon


Where now is Amuse? 👈 @amuse_official 

The 4th year in a row Tanabata 🎋 Screening of Haruma’s Phenomenal last movie project “Tengaramon” Japan🇯🇵 wide is at this hour over… 

Thanks to all the theaters who extended unrelentless support, and to all the people that made all these possible… now 4th year in a row…

But … where now is Amuse? 👈

Who proudly is saying that Haruma is a family?…

Who is claiming that Haruma is their Agency’s artist…?

Did Haruma indeed renew  his contract ?🤔

Before ending his own life ?👈 👉as per Amuse’s statement 👈🙄

Now… why Amuse is not making an effort for Haruma’s phenomenal achievement… ?

Nothing like this has ever occurred in Japan entertainment industry … why Amuse is not calling the media to report on this?…

Where now is Amuse?!….

Why Amuse is not acknowledging that Haruma is “Tengaramon”?

アミューズは今どこにいますか?👈 @amuse_official







自分の人生を終わらせる前に?👈 👉アミューズの声明によると👈🙄





#Tengaramon #天外者 



