Saturday 17 February 2024

Amuse Need To Explain!


There are too many suspicious points to enumerate… suspicious points which many malicious minds would just consider as hoaxes… and there are suspicious points  that are considered as conspiracy theories by those who knows nothing and have not done any research at all…

But the 7/18/2020 early morning news of Haruma’s sudden, shocking death by Yahoo and NHK and other foreign news entities which is INCONSISTENT to the official time of death of Haruma as per the declaration of Amuse which is at 2:10 pm, in the AFTERNOON of 7/18/2020…

Is this a conspiracy theory?…
Is this just a hoax?…

With the supporting screenshots of those news, which are now can not be found in the websites of the News agencies, because they were all already deleted…

Now… these news agencies has to explain even more… why they deleted these early morning news of Haruma’s death … if there is nothing suspicious… 

All these,  Amuse need to explain…

It’s been 3 years now since the demonstrations seeking for explanations from Amuse has been taking place almost weekly in different locations of Japan, yet until now Amuse remain not explaining…

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