Wednesday 18 October 2023

3 Dumb Monkeys 🙉🙈🙊

 It has been 3 years that we are seeking for Haruma’s truth everyday! and we will never stop until Haruma’s Justice be served!

The Japan mainstream media has played the 3 Dumb Monkeys  🙉 🙈🙊role for almost 3 decades in the case of Johnny Kitagawa…

“has ears 🙉 but hears nothing 

has eyes 🙈but are blind

has mouth 🙊 but can’t speak”

and to add has hands 🙌 but can’t write❌✍️❌

But since @BBC @Mobeen_Azhar pulled down the dark curtains of the pedophilia of #johnnykitagawa , Japan mainstream media has been unlocked 🔏 from being mouth zippered 🤐 (?)for many many years, and now are playing the truth seekers role(?) 🤔

Now, how about the suspicious death case of #MiuraHaruma #三浦春馬 and the shocking series of suspicious alleged suicides of celebrities without a suicide note, following the death of Haruma in just a week’s intervals #AshinaSei  #FujikiTakashi #TakeuchiYuko and the preceding and subsequent suspicious suicides of celebrities until 2022?

Why Japan mainstream media are again playing the 3 dumb monkeys role on this very important issue?! 

Why Japan mainstream media is reluctant in raising this issue?!

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