Thursday, 1 December 2022



On July 18, 2020, I was shocked by the sad news that the famous Japanese actor, Miura Haruma, took his own life in his Tokyo residence. Like many, I accepted the face value at first and believed in what was reported. But soon after, suspicions surfaced one after another which triggered my curiosity and determination to start my research on the incident. While I was still having doubts, it was Haruma himself who let me realized that he could not have killed himself. No, Haruma didn't raise from the dead to tell me, but the many clues and hints he left intelligently behind here and there (on the pictures, videos, posts he shared on social media, via his personal interviews, etc.) convinced me that it's definitely not a suicide!!!

Of course, I do not know the whole truth; we can only rely on using our common logical sense to analyze and to distinguish the false from the truth. It is important to exercise rational thinking to arrive at good judgements. Please don't follow the wrong path, to blindly accept the news, or information transmitted by the media, by any YouTube videos, or by anybody who has no interest in conveying or seeking for the truth. I hope most are now aware that mind manipulation do exist even in well developed countries!!! It is high time to smarten up, and to stop being fooled!!! Don't be a goose!!! When in doubt, do your own research!!!


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