Monday 30 September 2024

Miura Haruma Suspicious Death Demand for Reinvestigation Marching Demonstration - Ginza 9/29/2024

9/29/2024 - On a cloudy day, Miura Haruma Tokyo Demo Groups and representative participants from Osaka, Fukui, Gunma, Toyama, Ishikawa joined efforts in once again raising the voice seeking for reinvestigation of Haruma’s Suspicious Death, in the streets of Ginza witnessed by as many bystanders.
It has been 4 years since the initiative in fighting for Haruma’s truth began in September 27, 2021 spearheaded by Tanaka Taichi, in front of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. We are forever grateful to Tanaka Sann in paving the way for us, in fighting for Haruma’s truth. A lot took place in these long 4 years, but one thing remains…the burning fire in our hearts in fighting for Haruma’s truth, and protecting Haruma’s dignity, defying the cruel LIES perpetrated at Haruma that he took his own life. 

There is only one TRUTH! And it is the sworn duty of the law enforcement authorities of Japan to INVESTIGATE and bring the truth to light! With the many suspicious inconsistencies laid before their tables, and with the unrelenting demand for reinvestigation of the demonstrations taking place from Tokyo down to the prefectures of Japan, aside from the initiative for Haruma taking place 24/7 here on X… In these 4years, the police has done nothing! The police covered their eyes and their mouths! The police need to act bravely and perform their duty duly in service to the people…NOT for the select few who are trying to control authority. 

Thank you to each and every brave and faithful hearts fighting for Haruma’s truth!!!

#三浦春馬 #MiuraHaruma 


Monday 16 September 2024

Shame on the Japanese Law Enforcement Authorities


American actor Matthew Perry died on Oct. 28, 2023. He was discovered unresponsive in a jacuzzi at his Los Angeles home. An autopsy report revealed he died from the acute effects of ketamine. U.S. law enforcement investigators conducted a wide-ranging investigation following Perry's death that revealed a broad, underground criminal network responsible for distributing large quantities of ketamine to Perry, which subsequently contributed to the actor's death. Federal officials in Los Angeles announced on August 15, 2024 that five people have been charged, as a result of the diligent investigation.

In contrast, on the other side of the globe, the police have never conducted a proper investigation on Miura Haruma's shocking, suspicious, unnatural death in July 2020...WHY??? Shame on the Japanese law enforcement authorities for closing their eyes on obvious criminal acts, letting culprits get away with murder!!!






@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma

Monday 12 August 2024

9/29/2024 GINZA Miura Haruma Marching Demonstration


9/29/2024 GINZA Marching Demonstration for Haruma. Appeal for Reinvestigation of Miura Haruma’s Suspicious Death👈

Haruma did not put an end to his own life!

Amuse remains refusing to explain the suspicious inconsistencies 👈

A thorough transparent reinvestigation is imperative 👈

The dead can not speak for their truth!

Can not seek for their own justice!

We can not bring back Haruma😭

But we have the choice to be his voice👈, to fight for his truth 

and protect his dignity‼️

There are still many who do not know that Haruma’s death is suspicious. Many, that are still misinformed  that the media reports  on the sudden death of Haruma is false. 

The media reported that there was “seem like a suicide note”… however after 49 days Amuse declared via their website that there is no suicide note 👈 Yet, Amuse never asked the media to correct the false report and to inform the public that there is no suicide note.  Amuse and the mainstream media has the responsibility and obligation to disclose the true details and correct the wrong information!

Mita Police 👮‍♀️ did not see 👀 with their own eyes the alleged “suicide scene” 👈


Mita Police did not make a proper forensic autopsy , and thorough investigation … though the supposed prime witnesses… enter the apartment of Haruma without an accompanying police witness.

BUT… the news of Haruma’s death went out in just after 52 minutes after the declared official time of death 👈

However, on 7/17 there was already news of Haruma’s death in Taiwan 

WHY⁉️👈👁️and how come ⁉️

In less than 2 days, Haruma’s body was hurriedly cremated,  without even giving a chance for Haruma’s fans to pay respect to Haruma… even at a distance 😭

Why the need to hurriedly cremate⁉️

It is suspicious at all levels!

Those who truly care for Haruma can not remain silent and do nothing! After all the many suspicious details.

Be Haruma’s voice🤜🤛

And help echo the Demand for reinvestigation of Haruma’s Suspicious Death👈

Arigatou Gozaimasu 🙇

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu 🙏🙇‍♂️

@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma

Friday 19 July 2024

A Message to Nakanishi Sacho


Hello Nakanishi Sacho,

I hope that you will read this post, and I supposed you are already familiar of this X account, as well as the facebook and YouTube account @⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma.

Nakanishi sacho, I’ve learned that , during this year’s Shareholders General Assembly, with regards the question raised by the demonstrations for Haruma seeking for Haruma’s truth,  questions that requires your due, prompt, transparent and responsible explanations, question regarding :

👉“ the promised time” for the manager to pick up Haruma 👈

… in reply to this you quoted that 

“Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!”

“It’s private, so will not answer” 

Nakanishi sacho, don’t you realize how crucial the issue is? 

It’s about the suspicious death of Haruma!

Meaning… because it is suspicious… all suspicious details… no matter how great or small needs to be investigated! 

Questionable details needs to be answered!

Do you think your statement is wise(?) that it can get you away from the question?

Do you not realize that , your statement just added up to the suspiciousness of the crucial issue?…

Nakanishi Sacho… if there is nothing to hide… it will not be difficult to respond and address the questions transparently and promptly …

It’s now 4 years since that dreadful day… yet you remain not explaining… and just quoting that your statements on September 9, 2020, on the 49th day of Haruma’s death is all that there is; yet you never explained the details on 9/9/2020.

Nakanishi sacho, since September of 2021 we have been raising our voices demanding for your explanations of the many suspicious details surrounding the death of Haruma. Demanding for reinvestigation of the many suspicions, yet until this very day, you remain not addressing to clear this issue.

If you indeed intends to clear your name from any suspicions, if you indeed would like to put an end to the persistent demonstrations for Haruma taking place almost weekly in different locations all over Japan, for 3 years now, plus the non-stop Xdemos for Haruma daily for 24/7, then hold a transparent press conference to clear this crucial issue of Haruma’s unnatural suspicious death. 



Now, regarding Tsukiji Hongwanji, you want us to believe that you buried Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji(?)you think that you can pacify the fans seeking for Haruma’s truth in burying Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji?!…

Haven’t you realize again that, you again added up to the weight of the resentments(?)

First if indeed Haruma’s ashes is in Tsukiji Hongwanji, then why is it that there is nowhere in Tsukiji Hongwanji that we can find a tablet carved with the name “三浦春馬” …

There is not a place where we can visit and bring flowers 💐 for Haruma…

Why not bury Haruma’s ashes in a place where the fans can see Haruma’s name and Haruma’s photo?😭

Why bury Haruma in a grave with NO NAME?!

again for Privacy reasons?!

What kind of reasoning do you have ⁉️

#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬 



私はあなたがこの投稿を読むことを願っています、そして私はあなたがすでにこのXアカウント、そしてFacebookとYouTubeアカウント@⚖️Justice for Miura Harumaに精通していると思います。




「Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!」






















#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬

Thursday 11 July 2024

Conspiracy Theorist?!

Counting down the days to the fourth anniversary of that unforgettable day in July 2020 in the history of Japan's entertainment industry.

"Miura Haruma, found hanging in his closet" was the early morning news reported by Yahoo, followed by NHK News on the morning of July 18, 2020.

Like a time bomb, it shattered the hearts of many. It was an unprecedented blow to all who knew, adored, and respected Haruma.

Yet, what is most painful is that Haruma was simply accused of ending his own life.

As we searched for information about what truly happened, seeking answers to the biggest "WHY," suspicious details surfaced one after another. Too many questions arose—questions that Amuse needs to answer.

Nearly four years have passed since that dreaded day, and Amuse still refuses to explain the chronological sequence of events and the manager’s promised time to pick up Haruma. Though these questions are not all there is, many more questions are piling up that need explanations. For instance, the early morning breaking news of Haruma’s death on July 18, 2020, is inconsistent with Amuse’s official declaration of his time of death at 2:10 pm on the same day.

Now, let Amuse explain the inconsistencies and call Haruma’s fans seeking the truth conspiracy theorists if they must.

Fujikura, the freelance writer who once took photos and videos of the flyers distribution demonstration for Haruma, and caused trouble, has been making efforts to write articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. He is at it again, through Yahoo News, and now Shukann Shincho(?)

As I wrote on X, “I could only smell something fishy!”

Yahoo News, through Fujikura and Shukann Shincho, released articles accusing Haruma’s fans seeking the truth and raising suspicions about Haruma’s death as conspiracy theorists. Yet, they never released an article celebrating Haruma’s achievements. Recently, on July 7 this year, Haruma’s phenomenal last starring movie project “Tengaramon” was shown again in theaters across Japan, marking its fourth-year Tanabata showing. This is unprecedented in Japan’s entertainment industry. Why didn’t they write an article about this?

The most likely reason is that they are not paid to write such articles.

Fujikura and Shukann Shincho never write about the obvious inconsistencies around Haruma’s death, such as the early breaking news from Yahoo and NHK. But they release articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. Is it because they are paid to do this? Or to put it more clearly, is it because Amuse might pay a huge amount for this?

Speculation? Yes. We can only speculate, but that seems like the most plausible answer.

It is quite convenient to push the accusation that fans seeking explanations from Amuse are conspiracy theorists. It’s clearly in favor of Amuse.










Yahooニュースは、フジクラと週刊新町を通じて、ハルマのファンが真実を求めていると非難し、ハルマの死を陰謀論者として疑う記事を発表した。しかし、彼らは春馬の業績を祝う記事を発表しなかった。最近、今年7月7日、春馬の驚異的な最後の主演映画プロジェクト”天外者” が日本全国の劇場で再び上映され、七夕上映4年目を迎えました。これは日本のエンターテイメント業界では前例のないことです。なぜ彼らはこれについて記事を書かなかったのですか?





©️@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma

Wednesday 10 July 2024



Four years ago in July 2020, we lost a precious young Japanese actor, Miura Haruma. Haruma was reported to be found unconscious by his manager at his residence in the morning of July 18, 2020, he was later pronounced dead at 2:10 p.m. the same day after being transported to the hospital. Haruma was believed to be working late, the night before the news of his death, at the filming site of the TBS drama "Kanekoi". Haruma's death was declared as a "suicide" by AMUSE, when no concrete reasons were provided to explain why Haruma ended his own life. While there was no suicide note, a false report claiming the existence went out to the world. A correction notice stating that "no suicide note was found" was issued by AMUSE via their website ONLY in September 2020, 49 long days after the death. No subsequent correction of the false report was ever published by the mainstream media! AMUSE did not ask the media to apologize or to publish a correction notice for this BIG mistake. Today, many are not aware the initial report of a suicide note was a LIE. In addition, there are many suspicious points and questions around the death which as of today, remain unanswered.

Haruma's death was shocking and unnatural! It occurred under unusual circumstances! When a death is sudden, unexpected, or suspicious, it is imperative for a diligent investigation be conducted, to determine the cause of death and in bringing justice to cases where foul play, negligence, and any criminal actions were involved. A death investigation involves complex and time-consuming procedures which requires the collaboration among multiple entities, such as law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and forensic specialists. These professionals collect, analyze, and interpret evidence using numerous resources, tools and techniques, to achieve the ultimate objective in determining the cause and manner of death. While a typical investigation takes a month or so to complete, complex cases may take up to 3 months or even longer to conclude. 

The Japanese law enforcement agencies appear totally incompetent in the investigation of Miura Haruma's suspicious death. IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that Haruma's death investigation took only a few hours to complete!!! One can only expect unreliable results coming out of sloppy investigations, with a conclusion that cannot be trusted. Here are just a few questions we've been looking for answers.

Did the police properly collect evidence at Haruma's residence? 

Did the police interview Haruma's manager and other possible witnesses, including actors, directors, and production staff of "Kanekoi"? What happened the night before Haruma's death? 

Did the police investigate workplace power harassment that could have been a factor contributing to Haruma's death?  

What type of examinations did the Japanese law enforcement authorities conduct on Haruma? Was an autopsy examination performed to determine Haruma's cause of death?

Why wasn't a press conference held to announce Haruma's death cause & manner, to provide proper explanations of Haruma's sudden and unnatural death? Why weren't the death investigation results released for publication?

Why wasn't any attention paid to the many questions raised by the demonstrations that have been going on continuously since September 2021? Why wasn't Haruma's case reopened for investigation when so many suspicious points were brought forward?

Did the police look into the "Kanekoi" drama's frightening "futon scene" where Haruma appeared without make-up, traumatized, and in agony?  

Did the police investigate AMUSE? The agency was clearly negligent in managing Haruma's health & safety when he became noticeably skinny and unwell during the filming of "Kanekoi". Why did AMUSE disregard Haruma's well-being and allow him to continue working? The wrongful acts by AMUSE was a major factor leading to Haruma's death! Why did the police not hold AMUSE accountable?

Despite the hard efforts of the ongoing demonstrations demanding a reinvestigation, the police have taken no action at all.  So long as the questions remain unanswered, it is only logical for us to believe that something is hidden behind Miura Haruma's death! Something dark and rotten is being withheld from disclosure to the public! A coverup of the truth! We are urging the Japanese Law Enforcement authorities again, to attend to our plea, to answer our questions, and to reopen the suspicious unnatural death case of Miura Haruma for a diligent and thorough investigation!!! 




©️@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma


Sunday 7 July 2024

Where Now is Amuse? 7/7🎋2024 4th Year Tanabata 🎋Tengaramon


Where now is Amuse? 👈 @amuse_official 

The 4th year in a row Tanabata 🎋 Screening of Haruma’s Phenomenal last movie project “Tengaramon” Japan🇯🇵 wide is at this hour over… 

Thanks to all the theaters who extended unrelentless support, and to all the people that made all these possible… now 4th year in a row…

But … where now is Amuse? 👈

Who proudly is saying that Haruma is a family?…

Who is claiming that Haruma is their Agency’s artist…?

Did Haruma indeed renew  his contract ?🤔

Before ending his own life ?👈 👉as per Amuse’s statement 👈🙄

Now… why Amuse is not making an effort for Haruma’s phenomenal achievement… ?

Nothing like this has ever occurred in Japan entertainment industry … why Amuse is not calling the media to report on this?…

Where now is Amuse?!….

Why Amuse is not acknowledging that Haruma is “Tengaramon”?

アミューズは今どこにいますか?👈 @amuse_official







自分の人生を終わらせる前に?👈 👉アミューズの声明によると👈🙄





#Tengaramon #天外者 





Saturday 29 June 2024

Amuse Refuses To Tell The Truth


Amuse will refuse to explain anything because if they do touch the issue they have no way to cover up the lies, which is tantamount to concealing the truth of a crime. Haruma’s Suspicious death is not a simple issue, they can be charged “auxiliary to the crime for concealing the truth.” So the only thing that they could do is zipper their mouths 🤐 However….there is no way to keep a rotten smell, meaning the truth will always find its proper place… no matter how hard it is hampered. If only Amuse explained/ declared the true details right from the very beginning they could have saved themselves from inevitable consequences. But it’s now nearly 4 years, still they are trying too hard to get away from the many suspicious points laid before them; waiting for Haruma’s fans to get tired, thinking Haruma’s Suspicious death issue will die down in time… like the rest of the suspicious deaths of artists in the past… Amuse underestimated Haruma’s truth! Amuse underestimated the power of Haruma’s love ❤️ in the hearts of those who believe in Haruma! Amuse underestimated the power of this generation to unite all those who understand and sees the many suspicious details , fans and non-fans alike. Amuse underestimated justice! Justice will always prevail! No matter how hard it is covered up, it will always rise victorious! The truth will come after their conscience every second of their lifetime. It will lock them in every corner… And the only way to free themselves from the nightmare is to tell the truth! Finally, they can never get away from the highest authority of Justice… God! アミューズは何も説明することを拒否します なぜなら、もし彼らがその問題に触れたら 彼らは嘘を隠す方法がない、 それは犯罪の真実を隠すことに等しい。 春馬の不審な死は単純な問題ではなく、「真実を隠すために犯罪に補助する」と告発される可能性がある。 だから、彼らができる唯一のことは、彼らの口をジッパーで締めることです🤐 しかし....腐った臭いを保つ方法はありません。つまり、真実は常に適切な場所を見つけることを意味します...どんなに困難であっても。 アミューズが最初から本当の詳細を説明/宣言すれば、彼らは避けられない結果から身を救ったかもしれません。しかし、今では4年近く経っていますが、それでも彼らは彼らの前に置かれた多くの不審なポイントから逃れるためにあまりにも懸命に努力しています。ハルマのファンが疲れるのを待って、ハルマの不審な死の問題は時間内に消滅すると考えています...過去のアーティストの不審な死の残りの部分のように... アミューズは春馬の真実を過小評価した! アミューズは、春馬を信じる人々の心の中で春馬の愛の力を過小評価しました❤️! アミューズは、多くの疑わしい詳細を理解し、見るすべての人々、ファンと非ファンを団結させるために、この世代の力を過小評価しました。 アミューズは正義を過小評価した! 正義は常に勝つ! どんなに難しく隠されても、 それは常に勝利するでしょう! 真実は彼らの生涯の毎秒彼らの良心の後に来るだろう。 それは隅々までそれらをロックします... そして、悪夢から自分自身を解放する唯一の方法は、真実を話すことです! 最後に、彼らは正義の最高権威から逃れることはできません...神よ! @JusticeforMiuraHaruma

Saturday 15 June 2024

A Miracle for Haruma 6/23/2024


To date, June 16, 2024, there is one week until the annual shareholders meeting on June 23, 2024. This marks the fourth such meeting since the unacceptable, suspicious, and unnatural death of Haruma. This time, may the agency clear its name from any suspicion by addressing the questions that have persisted since that dreadful day on July 18, 2020. 

May the agency provide reliable proof to support their statement that Haruma indeed committed suicide. Their supporting evidence should clarify the chronological sequence of events from July 15 to July 18, 2020, and explain any suspicious inconsistencies. Furthermore, may the agency demand corrections from Japan’s mainstream media, rectifying the false reports that there was a suicide note when there was none. They should also hold Yahoo News, NHK, and other news outlets accountable for releasing breaking news of Haruma’s death hours before the official time of death.

May the shareholders of the agency assert their right to be informed with truthful information, thereby salvaging the agency’s sinking reputation. Demonstrations on and real demonstrations across different locations in Japan have taken place almost weekly since 2021, raising banners seeking Haruma’s truth. There is only one truth: Haruma did not end his own life. The transparency of the truth is the cry of Haruma’s soul.

We are not pursuing the villains directly, as we acknowledge our lack of power to bring them to justice—only God can do that. Yet, justice will always find its rightful place. Even a tiny spot of gray taints white. We may not be able to expose those responsible for the unforgivable injustice done to Haruma, but we can fight to protect his name and dignity. They cruelly took Haruma’s life, but they cannot tarnish his legacy and honor.

We cannot bring back Haruma, but his memory will always remain with us. Haruma’s name and legacy are carved in history. The purity of Haruma’s soul touches the hearts of many, and his miracle lives on in every person who looks and listens to his truth.

⚖️@Justice for Miura Haruma 

Monday 10 June 2024



It has been almost four years since Miura Haruma's shocking, sudden, suspicious death. THE DREADFUL DAY of July 18, 2020 can never ever be forgotten!!! 😭😭😭


It's well known that Haruma was a health-conscious and highly responsible person who paid great attention to maintaining his well being through healthy diets and physical workouts. However, during the period of working on the TBS drama "Kanekoi", Haruma had a drastic weight drop and his physical appearance changed dramatically. The unnatural thinness, the pale skin, the dry & dull hair, the unenergized eyes...obviously, Haruma wasn't well. It's impossible for Haruma's manager, those on the drama production team, and anyone around Haruma not to notice that something was not right. Something was awfully wrong which caused the detrimental effects on Haruma!!! 


AMUSE must explain why they turned a blind eye on the obvious gaslighting harassment targeted at Haruma in the TBS drama "Kanekoi"!!!

AMUSE must explain why they neglected Haruma's wellness and allowed him to continue working!!!

AMUSE has the obligation and responsibility to answer questions around the suspicious, unnatural death of Haruma, including the chronological sequence of the July 18th incident, and Haruma's whereabouts between July 15 to 18, 2020!!!

AMUSE's mismanagement and failure to respond to the situation was undeniably a major factor that led to Haruma's death!!!

Had AMUSE acted like a socially responsible employer, they would have intervened and raised a concern with TBS and the "Kanekoi" drama production team!!! 

Had AMUSE treated Haruma's health & safety as a priority, they would have arranged another actor to take over the "Kanekoi" assignment!!!

Had AMUSE truly cared about Haruma, they would have allowed Haruma to go on leave to recuperate!!! 

Had AMUSE fulfilled the basic duty of care and taken proper appropriate actions, Haruma might have been still alive today!!! 😭😭😭

BUT NO, AMUSE did none of that!!! Instead, they irresponsibly let Haruma continue working on the drama in the heartbreaking condition, and mercilessly watched him suffer...till death!!! 


This is an UNFORGIVABLE case of POWER ABUSE resulting in the tragic death of a fine young man!!! How could we pretend everything is okay??? How could we allow the toxic culture of abuse continue to prosper??? How could we allow these cold-blooded monsters to commit and get away with such horrible criminal offences???




We are demanding the Japanese law enforcement authorities to reopen the case!!! The law enforcement authorities must conduct a diligent and thorough investigation to determine the true underlying causes of Miura Haruma's unnatural death!!!




©️@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma


Friday 17 May 2024



"Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent about Things that Matter" --- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Gaslighting, a psychological form of harassment, was intentionally planned and targeted on Haruma in the production of the TBS TV drama "Kanekoi". Pay close attention and you will notice many gaslighting tricks in the drama. Haruma suffered emotionally and physically as a result of the abuse, losing significant weight and becoming noticeably unwell. Here are some additional bizarre information relating to the drama:

1. One of the drama's directors shared creepy messages on his sns, including a "celebration/victory" note posted on the dreadful day of July 18, 2020. 

2. A spine-chilling photo which has nothing to do with the storyline posted on the "Kanekoi" official website, where several men gathered around the drama's home garden scene staring down at something. What were they staring at? What's the purpose of posting such a picture?

3. The terrifying "futon scene", where Haruma appeared with no makeup lying on the futon, looking agonized, dazed, and traumatized!!!

These are all FACTS, NOT FICTION. Haruma died during the period of the drama shooting, and as such whatever happened at the filming set could be major leads driving the investigation in determining the true underlying causes of the death. Why didn't the law enforcement authorities reopen the case for investigation, when so many suspicious points were brought forward!!!??? It makes no sense at all, does it? The dignity and precious life of an individual was robbed mercilessly...How can people act as if nothing had happened? How can people let the truth be buried and life goes on as usual??? What a shame for the people to stay silent and do nothing, allowing the evil prospers!!!😔😢








©️@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma


Thursday 9 May 2024

Miura Haruma and Takeuchi Yuko


三浦春馬 #竹内結子 

#MiuraHaruma #TakeuchiYuko 

2 wonderful Japanese actors, Pride and gem of Japan. Trace their background and you’ll know who they are, what kind of personality and life they lived; what morals and principles they stood to. Two of Japan’s bests, if not the best. 

They are accused of committing suicide in just 2 months interval; in the same manner, without a farewell note, more so with no logical reason for the accusation.

Haruma has a thriving career and a strong sense of purpose; and preparing himself in spreading  his wings beyond Japan. 

Yuko has just given birth to his second baby, finally, has just given a sibling to his already teenage first born. She has all the reason to live life for…

Yet… they are suddenly found out dead in a shocking way… and was reported to have died of suicide ?!… 

Why is it too easy for the police 👮 and mainstream media to declare the incidents as a suicide?… 

The dead can not speak for themselves, they are robbed of their liberty to live life, they are forever silenced😞😖

But the truth will fight for their justice⚖️

in God’s most perfect time 🕊️

Miura Haruma and Takeuchi Yuko did not put an end to their own precious lives‼️

三浦春馬 #竹内結子

#MiuraHaruma #TakeuchiYuko











How cruel it is to think that they were together on the same project, and died a sudden, and shocking death in the same manner, just 2 months apart. 

How ridiculous it is, that they are simply declared and reported to have ended their own lives, and no further investigation was done. 

According to Japan police investigation system, that an incident declared as suicide do not require thorough investigation. This system is clearly a safe way out in concealing a crime. So simple to understand. And people would simply say “ let the dead rest in peace” … meaning to simply not talk about; not touch on the truth, to simply just accept it without question; without seeking for justification.  

Haruma and Yuko are not the kind, that would simply shut their mouths over an issue. They are the kind that would bravely speak up for what they believe. If only they can speak for their dead selves, they would certainly will. 

There is a truth behind their deaths… 

They surely want us to know the truth behind their sudden, shocking, suspicious death…





