Tuesday, 18 February 2025


In case some of you are not yet aware, attached below is a link for your reference, the toxic culture of the Japanese entertainment industry, a work environment full of harassers, narcissists, and sickos. The toxic culture encourages culprits to do whatever they want, to satisfy their sick desires. They know the possibility of them being caught, reported, and held responsible for the crimes is slim. I cannot imagine how many cases have been covered up, and how many victims have suffered over the years. The offenders must be condemned and put behind bars!!! The darkness must be revealed!!! The toxic culture must go!!! 


Miura Haruma was undeniably one of the poor victims of the toxic culture. His highly suspicious death was labelled as a "suicide", when a diligent police investigation was never performed. Haruma became unnaturally skinny, and was obviously unwell while working on the TV drama "Kanekoi". Those who participated in the drama production, if they still have a bit of conscience, should be coming forward NOW to reveal the gaslighting, the harassments, the abuses that the directors aimed intentionally on Haruma. What took place during the filming was a major factor leading to his tragic death!!! It's absolutely ridiculous for the police to conclude the case within such a short period of time, when an unnatural death investigation normally takes months to complete!!! There are far too many suspicious points around Haruma's death that cannot be ignored!!!  Why are the police closing their eyes???!!!





⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma


Monday, 30 December 2024

Arigatou Gozaimashita🙏🙇🌸🐎Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu 🌸🐎


Haruma was looking forward for the next 10 years… 

The year 2024 is drawing to a close, and as we stand on the brink of another new year, time on Earth has grown a year older. Reflecting on our journey since the beginning of this initiative—seeking answers from Amuse and demanding a reinvestigation into the suspicious death of Haruma Miura—I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has tirelessly fought for Haruma’s truth.

From the weekly X demonstrations to the distribution of flyers, and the marches across Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka, your unwavering dedication has been nothing short of remarkable. Over these past four years, we have faced countless challenges.

There were rumors—whether true or not—that paid agents infiltrated our demonstrations, posing as participants. This sowed distrust and caused divisions, making it hard to know who to trust. Additionally, some bloggers, vloggers, and freelance writers took pleasure in mocking our efforts, labeling us conspiracy theorists and accusing us of spreading hoaxes. It’s difficult not to wonder if they were paid to discredit our cause.

Facing such opposition has been tough—and it continues to be—but we find strength and comfort in one another. We stand united in the belief that Haruma did not end his own life, and we will not stop seeking the truth.

To all the antis and naysayers who try to undermine our mission, we have endured their criticism because of the unwavering support from those who believe in Haruma and our cause. I extend special thanks to the 2,800 members of the Justice for Miura Haruma Facebook group and the 7,700 subscribers of the Justice for Miura Haruma YouTube channel. Thank you for believing in Haruma, and thank you for believing in this initiative.

These past four years have not been easy. While it may feel like we have yet to move a mountain, we have, in fact, overcome many mountains together. Though the answers we seek remain elusive, this does not mean we will never find them. Their prolonged silence speaks volumes—it confirms a cover-up. They cannot face our questions because they cannot answer them. They cannot defend the lies. Their only hope is that we tire of this fight and that the issue fades away.

But do not lose heart. Our initiative has reached countless people, and our demonstrations for Haruma have become the longest-running demonstrations in Japan. This fight for Haruma is not in vain. We continue on this journey, reminding each other that we are doing the right thing. Only those who persist in their fight can win.

Amuse has a moral obligation to address the inconsistencies and discrepancies.

Amuse has a responsibility to provide complete, valid, and verifiable proof to explain the timeline of events.

Amuse must hold a press conference and provide detailed explanations to Haruma’s fans and the general public.

Their failure and refusal to do so only confirm the existence of a cover-up.

Let us continue this fight for Haruma, for truth, and for justice. Together, we can ensure his legacy and the truth prevail

As we move forward, let us remind ourselves that this is more than just a fight for Haruma’s truth; it is a fight for justice, transparency, and accountability that extends far beyond one individual. Haruma’s legacy shines brighter because of the love and determination of all those who refuse to let the truth be buried.

To everyone who has stood with us through these challenging years: your courage, persistence, and compassion are the foundation of this movement. Together, we are a voice that cannot be silenced.





私たちの活動を妨害しようとするすべてのアンチや否定的な声に対し、春馬さんと私たちの活動を信じてくださる方々の揺るぎない支えによって、私たちはそれらを乗り越えてきました。特に、「Justice for Miura Haruma」Facebookグループの2,800人のメンバーと、「Justice for Miura Haruma」YouTubeチャンネルの7,700人の登録者の皆さんに感謝を申し上げます。この活動を信じてくださり、春馬さんを信じてくださり、ありがとうございます。










Thursday, 12 December 2024

The TENGARAMON 4th Year Anniversary Screening 12/11/2024


On December 11, 2024, TENGARAMON returned to theaters nationwide for its 4th anniversary screening. Once again, I find myself at a loss for words to fully express my gratitude to everyone who made this possible. To Giggly Box and the TENGARAMON production team, to the theaters and Toho Cinemas that continue to support the initiative of preserving Haruma’s last starring movie project, and of course, to all of Haruma’s devoted fans who carry his legacy and memories in their hearts every day—thank you.

Since the premiere of TENGARAMON on December 11, 2020, my heart races every time I step into the theater. Walking down the aisle, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, I know we are all connected by one thing: Haruma. These people came because they want to keep seeing Haruma on the big screen, to continue supporting him, to preserve his legacy, and to affirm that Haruma deserves to live on in our hearts.

Together, we watch the movie in quiet attentiveness. Though most of us have likely seen it countless times, we view it as though it were the first, every single time.

This year, however, I noticed that the number of viewers at my usual theater has significantly decreased. Even so, there are new faces—people watching TENGARAMON for the first time. Regardless of the numbers, my heart overflows with gratitude for everyone who came to support Haruma and his TENGARAMON.

Four years have passed. How quickly time flies… Yet, it feels as though it was just yesterday. The two-hour movie feels fresh and new every time, and as I leave the theater, I find myself already looking forward to next year.

As I exited Toho Cinema, Theatre 13, I expressed my gratitude to the theater staff   bowing and saying, “Arigatou gozaimasu.” to the attendants at the doorway, I said, “Mata rainen mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (next year again please… ) . 🙏🙇🌸🐎







Sunday, 8 December 2024

The Last Silent March for Haruma for 2024


Today, 12/8/2024, the Silent March for Haruma had its last activity for the year 2024, first time in Akihabara, participated by 13 members. The weather is cold and as expected Akihabara is crowded, but  differently from Shibuya. We managed  to walk in one line in the middle of the crowded sidewalks. 

Somehow there are people that showed interest, and voluntarily ask for copies of the flyers, though there are also those that are just passing by. There are also people taking photos, and videos of the demo. I’m curious where they uploaded the images. Hoping they are constructive. 

The year 2024 is about to end, yet the Agency Amuse remain defiant to explain..

Monday, 30 September 2024

Miura Haruma Suspicious Death Demand for Reinvestigation Marching Demonstration - Ginza 9/29/2024

9/29/2024 - On a cloudy day, Miura Haruma Tokyo Demo Groups and representative participants from Osaka, Fukui, Gunma, Toyama, Ishikawa joined efforts in once again raising the voice seeking for reinvestigation of Haruma’s Suspicious Death, in the streets of Ginza witnessed by as many bystanders.
It has been 4 years since the initiative in fighting for Haruma’s truth began in September 27, 2021 spearheaded by Tanaka Taichi, in front of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. We are forever grateful to Tanaka Sann in paving the way for us, in fighting for Haruma’s truth. A lot took place in these long 4 years, but one thing remains…the burning fire in our hearts in fighting for Haruma’s truth, and protecting Haruma’s dignity, defying the cruel LIES perpetrated at Haruma that he took his own life. 

There is only one TRUTH! And it is the sworn duty of the law enforcement authorities of Japan to INVESTIGATE and bring the truth to light! With the many suspicious inconsistencies laid before their tables, and with the unrelenting demand for reinvestigation of the demonstrations taking place from Tokyo down to the prefectures of Japan, aside from the initiative for Haruma taking place 24/7 here on X… In these 4years, the police has done nothing! The police covered their eyes and their mouths! The police need to act bravely and perform their duty duly in service to the people…NOT for the select few who are trying to control authority. 

Thank you to each and every brave and faithful hearts fighting for Haruma’s truth!!!

#三浦春馬 #MiuraHaruma 


Monday, 16 September 2024

Shame on the Japanese Law Enforcement Authorities


American actor Matthew Perry died on Oct. 28, 2023. He was discovered unresponsive in a jacuzzi at his Los Angeles home. An autopsy report revealed he died from the acute effects of ketamine. U.S. law enforcement investigators conducted a wide-ranging investigation following Perry's death that revealed a broad, underground criminal network responsible for distributing large quantities of ketamine to Perry, which subsequently contributed to the actor's death. Federal officials in Los Angeles announced on August 15, 2024 that five people have been charged, as a result of the diligent investigation.


In contrast, on the other side of the globe, the police have never conducted a proper investigation on Miura Haruma's shocking, suspicious, unnatural death in July 2020...WHY??? Shame on the Japanese law enforcement authorities for closing their eyes on obvious criminal acts, letting culprits get away with murder!!!







@⚖️ Justice for Miura Haruma

Monday, 12 August 2024

9/29/2024 GINZA Miura Haruma Marching Demonstration


9/29/2024 GINZA Marching Demonstration for Haruma. Appeal for Reinvestigation of Miura Haruma’s Suspicious Death👈

Haruma did not put an end to his own life!

Amuse remains refusing to explain the suspicious inconsistencies 👈

A thorough transparent reinvestigation is imperative 👈

The dead can not speak for their truth!

Can not seek for their own justice!

We can not bring back Haruma😭

But we have the choice to be his voice👈, to fight for his truth 

and protect his dignity‼️

There are still many who do not know that Haruma’s death is suspicious. Many, that are still misinformed  that the media reports  on the sudden death of Haruma is false. 

The media reported that there was “seem like a suicide note”… however after 49 days Amuse declared via their website that there is no suicide note 👈 Yet, Amuse never asked the media to correct the false report and to inform the public that there is no suicide note.  Amuse and the mainstream media has the responsibility and obligation to disclose the true details and correct the wrong information!

Mita Police 👮‍♀️ did not see 👀 with their own eyes the alleged “suicide scene” 👈


Mita Police did not make a proper forensic autopsy , and thorough investigation … though the supposed prime witnesses… enter the apartment of Haruma without an accompanying police witness.

BUT… the news of Haruma’s death went out in just after 52 minutes after the declared official time of death 👈

However, on 7/17 there was already news of Haruma’s death in Taiwan 

WHY⁉️👈👁️and how come ⁉️

In less than 2 days, Haruma’s body was hurriedly cremated,  without even giving a chance for Haruma’s fans to pay respect to Haruma… even at a distance 😭

Why the need to hurriedly cremate⁉️

It is suspicious at all levels!

Those who truly care for Haruma can not remain silent and do nothing! After all the many suspicious details.

Be Haruma’s voice🤜🤛

And help echo the Demand for reinvestigation of Haruma’s Suspicious Death👈

Arigatou Gozaimasu 🙇

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu 🙏🙇‍♂️

@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma

Friday, 19 July 2024

A Message to Nakanishi Sacho


Hello Nakanishi Sacho,

I hope that you will read this post, and I supposed you are already familiar of this X account, as well as the facebook and YouTube account @⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma.

Nakanishi sacho, I’ve learned that , during this year’s Shareholders General Assembly, with regards the question raised by the demonstrations for Haruma seeking for Haruma’s truth,  questions that requires your due, prompt, transparent and responsible explanations, question regarding :

👉“ the promised time” for the manager to pick up Haruma 👈

… in reply to this you quoted that 

“Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!”

“It’s private, so will not answer” 

Nakanishi sacho, don’t you realize how crucial the issue is? 

It’s about the suspicious death of Haruma!

Meaning… because it is suspicious… all suspicious details… no matter how great or small needs to be investigated! 

Questionable details needs to be answered!

Do you think your statement is wise(?) that it can get you away from the question?

Do you not realize that , your statement just added up to the suspiciousness of the crucial issue?…

Nakanishi Sacho… if there is nothing to hide… it will not be difficult to respond and address the questions transparently and promptly …

It’s now 4 years since that dreadful day… yet you remain not explaining… and just quoting that your statements on September 9, 2020, on the 49th day of Haruma’s death is all that there is; yet you never explained the details on 9/9/2020.

Nakanishi sacho, since September of 2021 we have been raising our voices demanding for your explanations of the many suspicious details surrounding the death of Haruma. Demanding for reinvestigation of the many suspicions, yet until this very day, you remain not addressing to clear this issue.

If you indeed intends to clear your name from any suspicions, if you indeed would like to put an end to the persistent demonstrations for Haruma taking place almost weekly in different locations all over Japan, for 3 years now, plus the non-stop Xdemos for Haruma daily for 24/7, then hold a transparent press conference to clear this crucial issue of Haruma’s unnatural suspicious death. 



Now, regarding Tsukiji Hongwanji, you want us to believe that you buried Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji(?)you think that you can pacify the fans seeking for Haruma’s truth in burying Haruma’s ashes in Tsukiji Hongwanji?!…

Haven’t you realize again that, you again added up to the weight of the resentments(?)

First if indeed Haruma’s ashes is in Tsukiji Hongwanji, then why is it that there is nowhere in Tsukiji Hongwanji that we can find a tablet carved with the name “三浦春馬” …

There is not a place where we can visit and bring flowers 💐 for Haruma…

Why not bury Haruma’s ashes in a place where the fans can see Haruma’s name and Haruma’s photo?😭

Why bury Haruma in a grave with NO NAME?!

again for Privacy reasons?!

What kind of reasoning do you have ⁉️

#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬 



私はあなたがこの投稿を読むことを願っています、そして私はあなたがすでにこのXアカウント、そしてFacebookとYouTubeアカウント@⚖️Justice for Miura Harumaに精通していると思います。




「Kujin jyoho dakara kotaenai yo!」






















#三浦春馬さんを忘れない2024 #三浦春馬

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Conspiracy Theorist?!

Counting down the days to the fourth anniversary of that unforgettable day in July 2020 in the history of Japan's entertainment industry.

"Miura Haruma, found hanging in his closet" was the early morning news reported by Yahoo, followed by NHK News on the morning of July 18, 2020.

Like a time bomb, it shattered the hearts of many. It was an unprecedented blow to all who knew, adored, and respected Haruma.

Yet, what is most painful is that Haruma was simply accused of ending his own life.

As we searched for information about what truly happened, seeking answers to the biggest "WHY," suspicious details surfaced one after another. Too many questions arose—questions that Amuse needs to answer.

Nearly four years have passed since that dreaded day, and Amuse still refuses to explain the chronological sequence of events and the manager’s promised time to pick up Haruma. Though these questions are not all there is, many more questions are piling up that need explanations. For instance, the early morning breaking news of Haruma’s death on July 18, 2020, is inconsistent with Amuse’s official declaration of his time of death at 2:10 pm on the same day.

Now, let Amuse explain the inconsistencies and call Haruma’s fans seeking the truth conspiracy theorists if they must.

Fujikura, the freelance writer who once took photos and videos of the flyers distribution demonstration for Haruma, and caused trouble, has been making efforts to write articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. He is at it again, through Yahoo News, and now Shukann Shincho(?)

As I wrote on X, “I could only smell something fishy!”

Yahoo News, through Fujikura and Shukann Shincho, released articles accusing Haruma’s fans seeking the truth and raising suspicions about Haruma’s death as conspiracy theorists. Yet, they never released an article celebrating Haruma’s achievements. Recently, on July 7 this year, Haruma’s phenomenal last starring movie project “Tengaramon” was shown again in theaters across Japan, marking its fourth-year Tanabata showing. This is unprecedented in Japan’s entertainment industry. Why didn’t they write an article about this?

The most likely reason is that they are not paid to write such articles.

Fujikura and Shukann Shincho never write about the obvious inconsistencies around Haruma’s death, such as the early breaking news from Yahoo and NHK. But they release articles labeling the demonstrating fans as conspiracy theorists. Is it because they are paid to do this? Or to put it more clearly, is it because Amuse might pay a huge amount for this?

Speculation? Yes. We can only speculate, but that seems like the most plausible answer.

It is quite convenient to push the accusation that fans seeking explanations from Amuse are conspiracy theorists. It’s clearly in favor of Amuse.










Yahooニュースは、フジクラと週刊新町を通じて、ハルマのファンが真実を求めていると非難し、ハルマの死を陰謀論者として疑う記事を発表した。しかし、彼らは春馬の業績を祝う記事を発表しなかった。最近、今年7月7日、春馬の驚異的な最後の主演映画プロジェクト”天外者” が日本全国の劇場で再び上映され、七夕上映4年目を迎えました。これは日本のエンターテイメント業界では前例のないことです。なぜ彼らはこれについて記事を書かなかったのですか?





©️@⚖️Justice for Miura Haruma