Wednesday, 21 December 2022


Hard to believe it's been more than two years since Haruma passed away. Despite the tremendous efforts and hard work of the the demonstrations led by Tanaka Taichi sang, no action has been taken by the police to initiate a reinvestigation on Haruma's suspicious death. Very sad and frustrating to see that the majority is still being fooled and mind-manipulated by the lies and misinformation reported by the mainstream media!!! As follows is a summary put together in the hope to increase awareness of the suspicions around the incident, and to pledge for additional support of the demonstrations, demanding a police reinvestigation. Please note it is a summary hence not all details are included. I apologize if any major points are missing.

  • Nobody will forget the dreadful day of 2020/07/18 when our beloved Miura Haruma was reported to have passed away. The news was shocking in Japan and all over the world.
  • There were multiple versions of the date/time of death, how and when the incident was discovered, and who was the first person discovering the incident, etc.
  • The "official" version on the Amuse website indicated that "Haruma's manager went to Haruma's residence to pick him up for work scheduled in the afternoon, but there was no response from Haruma. The manager then contacted the building management to unlock the apartment door; there he discovered Haruma was unconscious. In addition to conducting first-aid, the manager contacted the police and the emergency department. Haruma was then taken to the hospital by ambulance but passed away at 14:10. The autopsy reported the cause of death was suicide."
  • Note that other than the pass away time of 2020/07/18 at 2:10 p.m., no other time details were provided, e.g. time of the assignment, the agreed pickup time, what time the manager arrived at the residence, what time Haruma was sent to the hospital, etc. Particulars such as the hospital name are also missing. 
  • This info was not included in the agency's notice, but some media reported Haruma's body was cremated a couple of days after the incident, some said one day after.
  • It's illegal to enter someone's private residence without the presence of a police officer, yet as indicated on Amuse notice, Haruma's manager contacted the police only after he entered Haruma's apartment (this raised a big question - have any evidence on-site been tampered with before the police arrived???).

  • No press conference was ever held to announce, explain, or update information regarding Haruma's death (I find it hard to understand, being a public-listed organization, how this type of irresponsible behaviour can be accepted!!!)
  • All news and updates relating to Haruma and the incident have been communicated via the company's website.
  • Amuse first announcement indicates:  "At 2:10 p.m. on July 18, 2020, Haruma Miura (aged 30) passed away in a hospital in Tokyo."..."after consulting with relatives, we have already conducted it in the form of a secret funeral..."
  • The nonexistence of a suicide note was only made known on the 49th Day announcement when it clarified the so-called "suicide note" is actually referring to a notebook which Haruma used for role-playing purposes. (Why wasn't it announced earlier, for goodness sake, it's a big mistake and wrong info!!!)
  • No farewell party was ever held; only a "memorial site" on the agency's website was made available for one week in July 2021 for viewing; within the site there was a page where fans could leave condolence messages, however the page was not accessible to view by the public.
  • Amuse made an announcement on 2022/07/18 advising that, with Haruma's mother's agreement, Haruma's ashes were buried in the TsukijiHongwanji temple in Tokyo. Haruma's name is nowhere to be found in the temple, nor was a tomb built in his name (never have Haruma's mother been seen in public after the incident, while there were statements said to be made by her, either from Amuse on her behalf, or from articles the media claimed interviews were conducted).

  • Mainstream media appeared biased from the very beginning (It made me wonder about journalism credibility and ethics in the country).
  • Mistakenly reported the existence of a suicide note to mislead the general public, when in fact a suicide note never existed. Today, millions still believe Haruma left a suicide note, because NO subsequent correction or apology was ever issued (I wonder who gave the info that there's a suicide note in the first place?).
  • Continuously feeding the public with unfounded stories, e.g. Haruma was suffering from depression, suggesting as motives of the "suicide".
  • No reports about the agency's zero transparency of the incident, or anything that's unfavourable to Amuse.
  • No reports raising a single question about any of the suspicious points.
  • No follow up reports on the power harassments that took place at the TBS kanekoi drama site.
  • No reports on Haruma's health condition or overcrowding work schedule.
  • Continuously labelled the possibility of murder as a conspiracy.
  • No reports on the demonstrations held by Tanaka Taichi sang and the demo team, requesting a police reinvestigation on Haruma's incident.

  • It's so strange that the investigation was completed within such a short period of time.
  • Was a thorough investigation performed, including an autopsy, as advised by Amuse? Were interviews conducted with all relevant parties?
  • Any official announcement from the police? (I don't recall - This left me with doubts of the police competence, ethics and professionalism in Japan, which is considered a highly developed country). 

  • Haruma had been actively working on the TBS drama "kanekoi" up until his death.
  • It was reported that Haruma worked late at the shooting site the night before the date of death.
  • There were reports indicating Haruma was bullied and harassed by the drama directors at the drama set.
  • Gaslighting tricks targeted on Haruma identified in the drama episodes. (tons of evidence, but of course the directors denied!!!)
  • Haruma's weight dropped drastically and looked pale and sick during his last days.
  • The "futon" scene at the beginning of the last episode where Haruma appeared to be without makeup, disoriented, and in pain (It definitely doesn't look like Haruma was acting; the scariest part is - why was the shot included in the drama???).
  • A creepy picture on the official drama site where four, five people were looking down at the ground of the kanekoi garden site (What are they staring at???).

  • With so many suspicious points around the incident, under the circumstances, is it not logical to suspect that Haruma was murdered, and deliberately disguised as a suicide?
  • Since 2020, fans have been persistently demanding Amuse to provide the incident timeline details and Haruma's work schedule. However, Amuse simply refused and said all info has already been shared on their website (Why can't Amuse answer the simple, reasonable questions? Unless there is something the agency does not want the public to know about).

  • More than a year after the suspicious death, on 2021/09/27, a gentleman, Tanaka Taichi sang, stepped up and initiated the first demonstration in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police department headquarters, demanding a reinvestigation on Haruma's incident. 
  • Within a year, under the leadership of Tanaka sang, the demo's number of participants has grown to 100's, and the location has extended from Tokyo to all across Japan.
  • In spite of the hard work and persistent efforts, a police reinvestigation has yet to be realized.

  • With so many unanswered questions, why did the major media continuously label "the incident suspected as a murder" to be a conspiracy theory?
  • If only all the relevant parties cooperate and tell the truth, we will be able to solve the case and justice will be served!!! What a big shame of those who have kept their mouth shut on the obvious power harassments happened at the last drama (and possibly leading to the death)!!! 
  • Still think this is a conspiracy? I would suggest that you do your research and then make your own logical judgment.

  • We have lost the precious life of a fine young man, a talented all around artist, a national treasure!!! 
  • Miura Haruma is well known to be a hardworking, responsible, serious and sincere individual who genuinely loves his fans. It's totally out of character for him to walk away from work all of a sudden, without saying goodbye to his fans!!! 
  • Please be informed that behind Haruma's death are long-existing humanity concerns and serious social issues that require the country's urgent and immediate attention!!!
  • I am encouraging you to join the demonstrations, demanding the police to reinvestigate the suspicious death of Miura Haruma!!! 

Thank you for supporting "Justice for Miura Haruma"!!!

Our Mission is to Seek for the Truth Behind Miura Haruma's Suspicious Death And to Protect Haruma's Dignity